Now I'm really getting into this Web 2.0 World, I've started to entertain myself, and hopefully at least one other person on this planet, with my musings (a word I have never used before until I saw it on someone else's blog site, actually on quite a few - blogword??) on the world.
You might be interested in this reply I put on wetpixel to a post about providing free R&D to camera housing manufacturers:
It's a funny world we live in, don't these types of issues crop up on an every day basis?
The classic being, you discuss an improvement in practice / policy in the workplace and the next minute your boss is espousing it as their idea. The management books will blabber on all day about giving credit to your staff, but when it comes to the $$ and their bonus, the books go out of the window.
Similarly with the feedback forms you are asked to complete every time you eat out, fly, get a train, go to a conference, etc.
And don't get me on the subject of the market survey cold callers who telephone to ask me (usually on a Sunday morning or as they did last week, on a Friday at 2100hrs!!) some questions as, "it will benefit car (or insert any other 'thing') users across Europe."
Actually, they can be a source of entertainment if you're prepared to ask them questions like, so how will I benefit financially for giving up 5 minutes of my time?
Anyway - to get to the point, we give 'stuff' away every day without really knowing we are doing so, or maybe we do? Do you not think there is someone from Inon / Subal et al who is trawling wetpixel on a daily basis looking for the next big issue, or the next digital u/w photography need? Or maybe, to spot an emerging issue in its tracks as a means of damage control? This whole website is free market research - it and others like it are worth millions of $ in saved R&D.
Inon, Subal - can you hear me?? Are you "listening?"
Don't worry, I'm only using your names as they were the first ones that came into my head - I'm not angry with you for any reason, nor do I have any ideas about how to improve your product.
And if you doubt the power of this site as a marketing tool just take a look at this post, if I were Pelican or AA I would be taking note of the 16000 views and over 100 negative replies.
And this reply is gold, I reckon we'll see these at some point:
Someone tell pelican and the rest to make stealth cases. Ones that look like normal baggage. If they already do, all well and good. If not: Copyright Dean Burman 2006
As if Pelican will send Dean a cheque once they or someone else has "invented" it.
As a spare time 'wanna be hack' (as some full time ones would call me) I have a phrase which I know will cause some consternation, "Keep writing until you don't suck at it and until someone is willing to pay you."
Insert, taking photographs, providing data for market research, giving people good ideas, etc. instead of 'writing' and you have all the ingredients for an endless healthy debate over the rights and wrongs of earning money in this world.
Bizarre place we live in huh?
This is where the reply to the post ends. What do you think?
And if you want to look at the debate you can find it here
Keep writing....
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