I came across London Diver Magazine during one of my trawls on the internet for interesting diving stuff (I live 'Up North' outside of their distribution area). I must say, after reading their site and archives I was hooked.
I've had a good look at the archive copies on their site and I'm really quite impressed - it's a jolly good read, somewhere between a club newsletter and a 'regular' diving magazine. My guess - it's in danger of growing in popularity (their circulation is curently 3000 with plans to grow beyond this number) to the point where it becomes excatly what the editorial team probably don't want it to be.
For the moment though, this is a great opportunity for any budding photojournalist to get published in a magazine that will be respected by the editors of the bigger magazines, especially if you stick to the guidance Juliet from the editoral team provided in the below e-mail interview.
Keep writing...
What's London Diver's background?
London Diver was launched in the summer of 2007 as a free publication distributed through dive shops and at diving events in the South East. The magazine is very much for the divers, about the divers and dive clubs in and around the London area (obviously doesn't mean that other divers up North or elsewhere should or would not enjoy the magazine!). As much as possible we are looking to get the experiences and the views of the divers and dive clubs themselves and not the journalists. Therefore, for the most part, articles, photos and information come direct from them.
In the magazine we try to capture the fun and enjoyment that we get out of diving and the diving scene. A number of the regular features are perhaps more in the style of Viz or Private Eye - so check out Tyson the Triggerfish; Photo Love Story; Rob's World; Gimp My Bride or Diving Deepravities.
There are regular diving medical sections by London Diving Chamber and stories from the divers about lessons learnt from having been "@The Chamber" - the more serious side of the magazine, but some really important issues raised and common questions answered.
There are many ways in which divers and clubs can get involved with the magazine: Writing trip reports/articles; London Underwater Photographers; Club Night; Non-Celebrity Diver; @The Chamber; Letters; Gimp My Bride or send in a different or new idea and we'll take a look.
What catches your eye in a submission and makes you think, "I wish everyone would submit stuff like this?"
We get a whole variety of submissions, but we would certainly be grabbed by articles that tickle our sense of humour or have a quirky view.
What is the most common error you have to sort out in any submissions?
There can generally be quite a lot of grammatical and spelling errors. However, this is not a problem as these are easily rectified.
What type of articles are you looking for the most? Destination? If so, what part of the world, or observation type features, if so, on what subjects?
As long as the articles are about what the divers are up to, where they are going, what kicks they get out of it, then really this is what we are interested in. We are happy to publish unusual articles on diving in Sharm or equally, divers exploring something new and exciting they found in their garden pond/on their latest trip.
Are you looking for any particular writing style? Past or present tense? Factual vs. emotional content? Must have an angle? Not just a diary of what I did on my hols? Use of quotes?
Once again, as we focus on articles by the divers/dive clubs, this can cover a whole variety of styles and angles and this makes it more interesting for the readers. As I mentioned earlier, humour and a different viewpoint is great. We are also not afraid to discuss contentious subject matters.
Ideal word count?
1,200 - 2,000 words
Photographs - what are your technical requirements?
These need to be 300 dpi. Generally, try to ensure images are 1mb +
London Diver also has a 'London Underwater Photographers' section, for divers to get a chance to get their photos published (each photographer getting 1 or 2 pages/3 - 8 photos). Most divers now have, at least, a compact digital camera and are taking some great shots. From issue 4, the best photograph submitted (as decided by the London Diver Team) will get their winning shot printed onto canvas (20 x 16 inch) - a competition sponsored by Ocean Visions.
Do you pay?
No (sorry!), the magazine is not looking for professional journalists.
Any room for more freelancers?
Constantly, but 'freelancers' being the divers and dive clubs from the London and surrounding areas.
What is the background of your contributors and how did they first get in touch, or did you contact them?
They are the ordinary divers, whether members of a dive club or not. Diving is their hobby. Most people send in their articles directly through the website - www.londondivermagazine.co.uk . We do occasionally publish articles from journalists/professional divers (these are still based in and around London).
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