Karli has found the trail of breadcrumbs.
Lonely Planet has quite a few opportunities to get published, the quickest and easiest being The Thorn Tree, Lonely Planet's everything travel web site. It's where you can: find answers to travel questions on just about anywhere in the world; shamelessly plug your own travel blog or photography or ask the most bizarre questions about life's random subjects. Unsurprisingly, the latter category appears to get the most hits and replies, some people in 'forum land' have too much time on thier hands!
For the aspiring photojournalist, the 'Don't Forget to Write' branch is the part of the Thorn Tree where you can seek feedback on your writing or plug your travel blog. This is what it has to say about itself:
This is the branch to share your trip reports and tell your travel tales. You can post short stories (up to 2,500 words), trip reports, or even travel related poetry, if you are so inclined.You can also use this branch to tell us about your fabulous travel blog, to recommend other great blogs about world travel, or to talk about your favourite travel writing (shameless plug: have you seen the new Lonely Planet Magazine?).
Please note, as with any Thorn Tree content, you consent to our using your contributions from time to time in our publications or elsewhere on the Lonely Planet website, however, you as the author will keep copyright and can reuse your contributions.
We look forward to reading all about your travels and hearing about your blogs!
This was the entry I left on The Thorn Tree:
Karli's Story
Would be interested in any thoughts / opinions on 'Karli's Story' - an account of Karli's journey to become a photojournalist specialising in adventure travel.
I'm sure Karli would also welcome any ideas or encouragement.
Brendivers World
Here's a taster from one of the first 'chapters':...
I included a snippet from a previous post to try and hook people in and it worked. So far over 130 people have read the post and about 15 of them have visited my site using the link. You're competing for busy people's valuable time, so while this might not seem much, from one post, it's not a bad hit rate.
If you have a blog one of the issues you will be presented with is getting people to read it and if it's about a popular subject you'll be competing with thousands of other blogs and websites so this may prove difficult. The other problem you will have is how to market it, well, sites like the Thorn Tree will provide you with that opportunity.
This is Karli's reply to my entry in the comments box:
Aha! I have followed your sneaky breadcrumb trail Brendan. You see, Brendan has been setting me tasks to develop my skills until I manage to get a byline in adventure/travel publications. He's one taskmaster - I'm waiting to be told to bring him a golden fleece.Seriously though, I appreciate his input and support and would love to hear from anyone else who has tips on breaking into this industry. You can read the journey so far on Brendan's site, as posted above, and you can also check out what I'm up to on my blog:-
Thanks and happy travels guys,
See how Karli has posted a link to her site?
Getting people to read your site isn't as simple as creating it, writing stuff on it, and then hoping people will drop by. Contributing to sites like the Thorn Tree and forums is the way to go. Next time your on a forum note how many users have links to their sites in their signatures - by contributing and becoming an active member of an online community you are likely to build up a following. That is, as long as what you write is worth reading!
If it is you might get another site to refer its readers to you as in the next sentence.
Here's a link to Karli's latest blog entry, all about 'glamping.'
Get the idea? Lots of cross posting, forum entries and shameless plugs. You just have to watch you don't get labelled as a 'troll.'
I did once, big mistake - made me wince.
Keep Writing...
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