For the budding photojournalists among you I've just put the finishing touches to the next, "From Photograph to Byline" workshop - an ideal opportunity to learn the skills required to break into diving photojournalism. How you could, in your spare time, get your photographs published and become one of the 'names' in the diving press.
The workshop will be run over the weekend of 4/5th October at Eynsham Hall, Oxfordshire.
Not your run of the mill location, this hotel, with its modern conference facilities is really quite stunning.
Maria Munn from Oceanvisions will be co-hosting this event, she'll be taking care of the "photo" while I cover the "journalism."
Guest Speakers
Mark Evans, the editor of Sport Diver magazine (UK) will be on hand to answer any questions you might have about approaching editors, the role of the freelancer in the magazine industry and ultimately, how to get published. Mark will also be joining us for the workshop dinner on the Saturday evening.
There may well be more guest speakers from the world of diving photojournalism - watch this space.
What the weekend will cover
For the "journalism" in photojournalism:
Establishing your dream - what you want to get from the weekend
Market research - where are the opportunities?
Editors - what are they looking for?
PR / Marketing Agencies, dive travel companies - the part they play and how you can utilise their services
Different ways to get your foot in the door - looking beyond the obvious
House style - why yours may have to wait
Commissioned assignments - your key to travelling on someone else's budget
Magazine photography - why you won't win any competitions
Practical issues - the best £ you will ever spend
Structure - completing the jigsaw puzzle
The art of the 'wordsmith' - how to use simple and eloquent descriptions
Interview skills - how to get the effective quotes
Identifying new angles - from hospital beds to industrial wastelands
The route map - knowing your destination and how to get there
Maria will be covering magazine photography skills using a digital compact camera, and in-case anyone is thinking you'll have no chance of getting published using one of these, Mark Evans from Sport Diver and Steve Weinman, the managing editor of DIVER magazine both use a digital compact on their assignments.
The price
£299 for both days based on one person or £279 for two people, both prices include bed & breakfast - the Saturday evening meal will be an optional extra.
Our Credentials
The UK's leading underwater photographer, Maria Munn, LRPS, specialises in teaching underwater photography with digital compact cameras.
Maria has taught hundreds of divers using her easy-to-understand, jargon free
methodology and she has a reputation for dramatically improving photographic abilities in just a few hours.
The Royal Photographic Society recently awarded Maria a licentiateship for her underwater photographs taken on a compact digital camera. Maria will combine her experiences of using these cameras with her genuine passion to help others develop their skills.
For more information on Maria's courses, click on the thumbprints for an article I wrote last year for DIVER magazine.
The proof of Maria's abilities? Simple - her students are now winning underwater photography competitions and getting published.
See my website's introduction for my story. Briefly, for the past 12 years I have been published in Sport Diver, Scuba World and DIVER magazine and for the past 10 years I have freelanced exclusively for DIVER.
During this time I've been on numerous assignments across the world. I've interviewed diving celebrities, covered issues, events and competitions, reviewed books, DVDs, hotels, restaurants and even apres dive bars. In total - over 300 articles, features and news stories.
With a background in adult education (I have a Masters in Education as well as a host of vocational training qualifications), you can be confident you will be learning with someone who has an established track record as both a photojournalist and educator.
For further details of how you can join us e-mail me at: [email protected]
What people have said about previous "From Photograph to Byline" workshops and seminars:
Elizabeth Quinn, Fort Lauderdale, Florida - Enjoyed your seminar, you taught very well.
Mina Cassandra Kuhn, Miami - The seminar was awesome! Thank you for sharing it - full of practical and important information, unwritten information that nobody wants to give away, except you. I think everyone who attended your seminar found doors to underwater photojournalism. Your new blog site is as great and informative as your seminar.
Doug Counts, Scuba News, Jacksonville, Florida - I learned a lot in the short time I was at your seminar as you were talking about international dive travel, this is a new area for our publication and I'm learning as I go.
Craig Koltasz, Australia - Superb insight into the magazine world, your enthusiasm really helped.
Bob Yee, California - The course was great, not what I imagined it would be, saved me a considerable amount of time.
Chris, Boston, USA - It was eye opening and your encouragement and involvement was really amazing.
David Kittos, UK - Lots of insider tips and insider info about magazines, plus ideas about how to come up with new angles, all very useful. You could have charged twice as much!
Virginia Fage, London - I really enjoyed it, I now know I didn't have a clue before.
Christian, Singapore - The Top Tips were useful; even if they all seemed obvious, but they are the things you don't think about beforehand, like how to contact editors.
I hope you will be able to join us.
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